Lenovo Group has been exploring collaborative carbon emission reduction measures across the supply chain and the path of transition toward net-zero carbon emissions characterized by "externalization based on internal growth & external empowerment" through digital and intelligent methods, in a bid to boost low-carbon development of the manufacturing sector.
联想集团发布了企业级ESG解决方案ESG Navigator乐循,包含ESG控制塔、碳中和、供应商ESG协同、公益影响等7大板块和15个产品模块。其中碳中和包括企业碳核算、产品碳足迹、物流碳排放、零碳工厂、零碳楼宇等5个模板;供应商ESG协同则包括ESG计分卡、供应商碳管理。乐循智能产品及服务解决方案覆盖企业ESG管理所面临的实质性议题,以数智化手段打破组织壁垒,实现ESG数据驱动决策、流程闭环管理,有效赋能企业低碳转型与可持续发展。
Lenovo Group has released ESG Navigator, an enterprise-level ESG solution, which includes 7 sections such as ESG control tower, carbon neutrality, supplier ESG collaboration, and public benefit impact, and 15 product modules. The carbon neutrality section includes five templates: enterprise carbon accounting, product carbon footprint, logistics carbon emissions, zero-carbon factory, and zero-carbon building. The supplier ESG collaboration section includes ESG scorecard and supplier carbon management. ESG Navigator intelligent product & service solution covers the substantive issues confronting enterprises in ESG management, which can help enterprises break down organizational barriers through digital and intelligent methods, and enable them to realize ESG data-driven decision-making and conduct closed-loop process management, thereby empowering enterprises to achieve low-carbon transition and sustainable development.
首先,在供应商ESG协同板块,ESG Navigator的供应商ESG管理模块参考了联想集团内部使用的关键供应商ESG计分卡,通过RBA(责任商业联盟)行为准则、ISO质量和环境管理体系、CDP披露水平及评级、温室气体减排目标、水资源管理及固体废弃物管理目标、可再生能源使用情况等30个以上的指标对供应商的ESG表现进行管理,定期为供应商的责任表现计分,并以此作为采购额度的参考,为供应商提升ESG表现提供激励。同时,ESG Navigator通过统计供应商各个指标的表现,完成对内部KPI的追踪并提供下一步供应商改进计划,完成闭环管理。
First, in the supplier ESG collaboration section, ESG Navigator's supplier ESG management module draws on the key supplier ESG scorecard used internally by Lenovo Group to manage suppliers' ESG performance through more than 30 indicators such as the RBA (Responsible Business Alliance) Code of Conduct, the ISO quality and environmental management system, the CDP disclosure levels and ratings, the GHG emission reduction targets, the water resource management and solid waste management targets, and the renewable energy usage. Suppliers' responsible performance is scored regularly and is used as a reference for the purchasing quota to provide incentives for suppliers to improve their ESG performance. At the same time, ESG Navigator completes internal KPI tracking and provides the subsequent supplier improvement plan by counting the supplier's performance in each index, completing the closed-loop management.
Taking Lenovo Group's supplier carbon reduction-related KPIs as an example, led by Lenovo, based on the purchasing value in FY2022/2023, the number of suppliers that have committed to setting or have already set science-based carbon targets has risen to 45%, up from 28% in the previous fiscal year, while 72% of suppliers have set renewable energy targets; and 84% of suppliers have tracked and reported on their renewable energy production and purchase. Lenovo's long-term goal is to drive suppliers, who account for more than 95 percent of purchases, to participate in science-based carbon reduction.
其次,在碳中和板块,ESG Navigator的产品碳足迹模块通过数字化手段实现产品全生命周期碳足迹精准计算,评估产品生命周期各个阶段产生的环境影响,包括碳排放、大气污染、水污染等等;企业碳核算模块通过自动核算碳排放数据,满足企业各类信息披露要求。同时,结合产品碳足迹与行业数据,为企业精细化减碳及碳交易等方面提供咨询及服务支持,助力企业实现碳中和目标。
Next, in the carbon neutrality section, ESG Navigator's product carbon footprint module digitally realizes the accurate calculation of the life-cycle carbon footprint of products, and evaluates the environmental impacts of products at all stages of their life cycle, including carbon emissions, air pollution, and water pollution, etc.; and the carbon accounting module of enterprises serves for automatically accounting carbon emission data to satisfy the requirements of corporate information disclosure. Moreover, combined with product carbon footprint and industry data, it is capable of providing consulting and service support for enterprises in elaborative carbon emission reduction and carbon emission trading, thereby facilitating enterprises in achieving the goal of carbon neutrality.
此外,在环境合规板块,ESG Navigator通过将复杂的法规要求转化为系统数据模型,助力企业应对出海强制性法规与自愿性认证挑战,显著降低企业合规成本,对中国制造保持全球竞争力至关重要。
In addition, in the environmental compliance section, ESG Navigator can help enterprises respond to the challenges of mandatory regulations and voluntary certification in export by transforming complex regulatory requirements into a system data model, significantly reducing the cost of compliance for enterprises. This is of vital significance for Chinese manufacturing to maintain global competitiveness.
作为全球领先的ICT 制造企业和中国制造业绿色发展的典范,联想集团在努力实现2050净零目标的同时,也将利用自身积累的经验、技术和管理能力,赋能更多的制造业行业和企业,一起迈向“零碳未来”。
As the world's leading ICT manufacturer and a model for the green development of China's manufacturing industry, Lenovo Group, while striving to achieve Net Zero by 2050, will also empower more manufacturing industries and enterprises toward zero-carbon future with its experience, expertise, and management ability accumulated.