一阶跟进是关键的起步,询问客户状态并抛出开放性问题,这是引导客户分享的有效方式。通过询问客户是否遇到困难或者有其他需求,我们可以更深入地了解客户的实际情况,有助于解决潜在的客户疑虑,推动谈判的顺利开展。比如,我们可以询问对方:①Where we are at now for smart toilet introducing?②Is it possible that you confirm the sample by...③It seems that you are not considering to buy the samples for testing
from us. Anything goes wrong, please ?
当客户坚持拖延时,二阶跟进则需要转变策略,通过塑造自己坦率沟通的风格来塑造客户的认知。这种方法能让客户感受到我们真诚的态度,同时也提醒客户可以直接表达他们的不满,以便我们调整跟进及合作策略。我们可以这样询问对方:①We have always maintained an open and direct communication style
because we view customer feedback as a valuable asset and want to better cater
to your needs.②We believe that honest and straightforward communication is the
basis for a solid partnership. If there is any dissatisfaction or room for
improvement, please do not hesitate to let us know, we are happy to listen and
regard your comments as valuable suggestions to improve our service level.
若客户仍然不愿明确表达原因,不温不火,冷漠推脱,三阶跟进时就需要激发客户的自我意识。我们可以询问客户,如果他身处决策者位置,是否会考虑选择我们的产品,并摸清对方是否存在任何顾虑。通过这样的策略,我们能够引导客户深入思考,帮助他理清思路,并找出真正的问题所在,以便再次跟进时能够对症下药。询问话术如下:①If you were a decision maker, how would you evaluate our product?
Are there any aspects that concern you?②If you were in the decision maker's position, would you not choose
us for some reason? We value your opinion, so any concerns you may have, we
want to understand and address.